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Bereavement Leave Germany

Bereavement Leave in Germany: Know Your Rights

What is Bereavement Leave?

Bereavement leave, also known as funeral leave, is a type of leave that employees can take when a close family member or friend passes away.

Duration of Bereavement Leave in Germany

In Germany, employees are generally entitled to two days of paid bereavement leave in the event of the death of a close family member, such as a spouse, child, parent, or sibling.

Force Majeure or Bereavement Leave

Employees may also be able to take additional days of leave as part of force majeure or bereavement leave, which is a general provision that allows employees to take leave in the event of unforeseen or unavoidable circumstances.

Recent Court Ruling on Bereavement Leave

On Tuesday, the European Court of Justice issued a ruling on a case concerning holiday leave in Germany. The ruling clarified that employees who take bereavement leave are entitled to retain their unused holiday leave during the bereavement period.
